Hays to Offer Amendments to Cancel AIR Contract & Let Districts Choose Pre-Common Core Standards!
April, 2015Please contact your senators! Senator Alan Hays (R-Umatilla) plans to offer two amendments to two different bills that will if nothing else make strong statements about the deplorable situation of Florida students and teachers being held to an invalid, technologically error prone test and to allow districts go back to the 2010 pre-Common Core standards that are equivalent or have been rated higher than Common Core.
The standards amendment is available HERE and says:
The testing amendment is available HERE and says:
1 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
3 Between lines 4842 and 4843
4 insert:
5 Section 64. The contract with the American Institutes for
6 Research for the statewide, standardized assessments in English
7 Language Arts and mathematics is terminated. A state agency may
8 not expend any additional funds to the American Institutes for
9 Research. Districts shall replace the statewide, standardized
10 assessments with nationally norm-referenced assessments in
11 English Language Arts and mathematics which were in use before
12 2010 from the list maintained by the Commissioner of Education
13 pursuant to s. 1002.395, Florida Statutes.
3 Between lines 4842 and 4843
4 insert:
5 Section 64. The contract with the American Institutes for
6 Research for the statewide, standardized assessments in English
7 Language Arts and mathematics is terminated. A state agency may
8 not expend any additional funds to the American Institutes for
9 Research. Districts shall replace the statewide, standardized
10 assessments with nationally norm-referenced assessments in
11 English Language Arts and mathematics which were in use before
12 2010 from the list maintained by the Commissioner of Education
13 pursuant to s. 1002.395, Florida Statutes.
These amendments are being offered to SB 948 and SB 1552. Coverage from the Orlando Sentinel is available HERE. Neither the amendments or the underlying bills will go anywhere because the House has adjourned sine die (for the session).
The discussion will continue. Please contact your senators to support these amendments to let them know that these issues are not going away and to create momentum.
The discussion will continue. Please contact your senators to support these amendments to let them know that these issues are not going away and to create momentum.