
FSCCC Releases National Expert Recommendations to Help Rid Florida of Common Core

June, 2019

The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition is pleased to release nationa expert recommendations to help fullfill Governor Ron Desantis' wonderful Executive order 19-32 to "remove the last vestiges of Common Core in Florida."

The recommendations are available in two forms. First, they are available in stand-alone form as an executive summary  and then in a more extensive document with background information and references. They are divided into recommendations that apply to both math and English standards and then those that are specific to each subject.

The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition is grateful to Dr. Sandra Stotsky, Dr. Mark Bauerlein, and Dr. Duke Pesta for their direct involvement and recommendations on ELA, as well as Dr. Louisa Moats for her seminal work on phonics and literacy education. We are also grateful to Ze'ev Wurman, Dr. Ted Rebarber, and J.R. Wilson for their direct work on the math portion of this document, as well as to Dr. James Milgram for his long and seminal work on math standards as a mathematician across the nation. Finally, we wish to acknowledge Emmett McGroarty's involvement and advice from a policy perspective.

These have been shared with officials at the highest levels of the Department of Education. While we appreciate the ongoing efforts and believe we are being heard, there is some danger of a rebrand repeat. This is most likely due to outside Establishment pro-common core elements that do not want to see this needed change. The survey methods are requiring the public to comment on individual standards using the Common Core/Florida Standards as a baseline, which is exactly what happened in 2014 in Florida and other states. This has resulted in the false impression that the vast majority of parents and teachers want to keep the standards as they are. Analysis by the prominent parental rights in education blog, the Underground Parent and a survey by the Florida Citizens Alliance show that to be far from the case. The survey shows that only 6% want to keep the standards the same.

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