
New at The Pulse 2016 - Bush Donors & Partners Fund Big Student Data Grab

February, 2016

Many thanks to The Pulse 2016 for publishing Dr. Effrem's latest article on the corporate crony ties between Big Data and Jeb Bush. This cabal is pushing the effort of the federal government to psychologically profile our kids via Strenghtening Education Through Research Act (SETRA - S 227) and the push for Competency Based Education that promotes dumbed down, psychosocial workforce skills instead of authentic academic education.

Here is an excerpt: 

Just as the Common Core pushing textbook publishing giants like Houghton Mifflin Harcourt and Pearson have had financial incentive to support Jeb Bush and his now former organization, the Foundation for Excellence in Education (FEE), corporate cronyism is also alive and well via those companies involved in Big Data.

The Data Quality Campaign (DQC) is a corporate-backed front group that spends all its time trying to portray the ugly and invasive womb-to-tomb data grab and psychological profiling of our children as helpful, necessary, and the government's right...

...With whom does DQC work to achieve these goals that are in opposition to privacy and parental rights? There are several important connections to Jeb Bush and FEE. Their website lists FEE as a partner, and the following screenshot shows some of their funders:

Primary voters need to be aware of this information just as they should know the education records of all of the other candidates.

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