Dr. Effrem Interviewed by Inside Sources on Passage of ESSA
December, 2015David Eldridge of of the national website Inside Sources interviewed Dr. Effrem on her views of the passage of the Every Student Succeeds Act in his article titled: How the New Education Bill Will Impact the Common Core Debate
"It's a horrifically bad bill," said Karen Effrem, executive director of Florida Stop Common Core Coalition.
The Port Charlotte, Fla., activist told InsideSources on Thursday the ESSA is nothing more than the latest attempt to "rebrand" federal standards: "I think a lot of people drank the Kool-Aid that this bill devolves federal power down to the states and thought they were doing a good thing."
The Port Charlotte, Fla., activist told InsideSources on Thursday the ESSA is nothing more than the latest attempt to "rebrand" federal standards: "I think a lot of people drank the Kool-Aid that this bill devolves federal power down to the states and thought they were doing a good thing."