
Action Alert for Senate Final Vote on ESEA

December, 2015

The likely final Senate vote will be Tuesday 12/8. There is a new Twitter Action Page for this upcoming vote.  There are preloaded tweets for Republicans & Democrats! All you have to do is hit the buttons! Please tweet the Senate DAILY from now until then:
Also, please call Monday at 202-224-3121 & demand a NO vote on S 1177! Specific phone numbers, FB pages etc. are available at:

For Florida's Senators, here are phone numbers and Twitter handles:
Senator Marco Rubio   202-224-3041 @SenRubioPress
Senator Bill Nelson 202-224-5274   @SenBillNelson 

Here are the basic talking points in red followed by resources you can offer to send if there is an interest:
The federal education bill gives hollow protections against federal interference. (If they ask or try to tell you otherwise, you can give them these with details at the first link below)
  • The secretary of education has veto power over the state plans that are still required to have statewide standards and assessments.
  • The language of the bill itself puts forth many requirements for the types of standards that must be in the state plans, so it is essentially irrelevant what the secretary does or does not do.
  • The language of the bill itself requires that standards align with ELEVEN different federal statutes that will make it likely that states have to keep the Common Core standards or those like them, even if they call them something else
  • .The language prohibiting federal interference is essentially the same in statutes that Secretary Duncan ignored to give us Common Core and waivers.  Then and now, there is no enforcement mechanism.
The still federally mandated yearly assessments are much more affective and psychologically profiling. 
For more details on these first two points see this summary regarding standards and assessments with specific language citations from the American Principles Project. Also send the link to this video if anyone needs proof.
Here is a more detailed list of 12 reasons to vote against this bill:

Here is a rebuttal of the US House Education and Workforce Committee talking points:

Thank you for all you are doing to protect the hearts and minds of our children!


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