Palm Beach County School Board Vice-Chairman Blasts Pam Stewart on Failure of FSA/AIR Tests
April, 2015Frank Barbieri, Vice-Chairman of the Palm Beach County School Board, minced no words about the failure of Commissioner Pam Stewart to properly implement the new testing system, saying that Florida students were used as "lab animals" and that she should be held as accountable as the students and teachers are being held. We will let this excellent speech, available at this link, that captures the sentiments of parents, teachers and staff across Florida speak for itself! Florida students, teachers, and schoools, should be held harmless this year, the AIR test contract should be voided, and districts should be able to choose their own tests and standards as suggested by legislation from Rep. Debbie Mayfield and Senator Dwight Bullard along with that of Rep. John Tobia and Senator Greg Evers.