Collier County School Board Candidates Erika B. Donalds & Kathy Ryan Interviewed on 92.5 Fox News
October, 2014Supporters and citizens in Collier County, please listen to this radio interview/debate conducted by Drew Steele of 92.5 Fox News in the Fort Meyers/Naples area. There are definitely clear contrasts on Common Core and high stakes testing between Erika Donalds, a mom, accountant, and activist who has been battling Common Core for at three years and Kathy Ryan, a former educator who seems supports the idea of national standards, but believes that there have been implementation issues.
There will also be a forum/debate between these two candidates hosted by the Southwest Florida Citizens Alliance on October 13th at 7 PM (Doors open at 6:30) at River Park Community Center, 301 11th St N., Naples, FL 34102 The forum will be moderated by Jared Grifoni and Rick Borman. Questions for this debate will come from the moderators and the audience. All Collier County voters regardless of school District can vote in this election. All voters should VOTE and VOTE INFORMED!