
Coalition Statement on Stewart Appointment as Interim Education Commissioner

August, 2013

The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition was appalled at the Florida State Board of Education's actions during their August 2 conference call. Not only did they try to excuse Tony Bennett's ethically challenged data manipulation in two different states, they appointed a pro-Common Core interim commissioner, and then refused to take public comments on one of the most important issues affecting the state and our children's future.

Pam Stewart's actions as chancellor to implement the Race to the Top program that required the Common Core national standards and tests as well as the invasive data mining system as well as her previous history in the Florida schools show her not to be the person that will promote the academic, locally controlled education that Florida students desperately need and deserve.

We call upon Governor Scott to appoint a new commissioner who understands the problems with the Common core system, for the board to pull out of PARCC, and for the legislature to withdraw Florida from Common Core and make the state board and commissioner positions elected so that they are accountable to the people.

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