Common Core Suggested Rules of Engagement
1. Any information that is communicated in email, Facebook, Twitter, telephone, or blogs needs to be 100 percent accurate. Verify, verify, verify. The Florida Stop Common Core Coalition fact checks their information from several sources prior to submitting in any media venues to insure the accuracy of the statements being made.
2. When meeting with legislators be respectful. Yelling or being rude will shut them down from any meaningful communication. Address them as "Representative ____" or "Senator _______" . Thank them for their time.
3. Prepare how you're going to approach the issue you are going to be addressing. Always do your homework prior to meeting with your legislator.
4. Whenever possible, call and ask for an appointment to meet with your legislator.
5. When talking to the legislators stay on single issue topics. If you are communicating your concerns with Common Core, do not get into other universal problems. Stay on specific topics.
6. If you do not know how to answer a question that your legislators ask, let them know that you will follow up and get the answer. This gives you another opportunity to meet with them or their aides about your subject.
7. Bring an information card with you so the legislator's office can follow up with you on an issue they may have had.
8. When possible bring small groups with you. Legislators are more apt to listen when they believe there are numbers of constituents that are supporting the same issue.