Florida Take Heed - Wisconsin Wants to Let Local Districts Decide About Common Core

What a novel concept!  The Wisconsin Legislature just released a summary report on Common Core that actually speaks of letting duly elected local school boards make the decision whether to adopt Common Core standards and tests.  According to a post by Shane Vander Hart of Truth in American Education, Rep. Dean Knudson (R-Hudson) was quoted in the report as saying:

The state needs to do a better job of communicating with local school districts about their rights and obligations.  He said that local school boards are not obligated to adopt the CCSS and that decisions for curriculum must remain at the local level.  He also stated that decisions regarding the content of standards and testing must be made without federal interference.

Wouldn't it be nice if the state of Florida allowed their elected school officials to make this crucial decision at the local level instead of the appointed bureaucrats in Tallahassee?


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